You don't have to have money to buy the most expensive products to do basic skin care. It is quite simple to do the basics for your skin.
- Drink plenty of water! This is so important. Keeping your skin (and the rest of your body) well hydrated is essential to fresh dewy skin.
- Remove your makeup every night before bed. Leaving it on can clog your pores and leave you with dull dead-looking skin. This can be done simply with a handy face wipe wiped gently across your face and eyes. They even remove mascara and eyeliner.
- Discover your skin type. Does your face get shiny or oily by midday? Do you have dry patches? Maybe you have combination skin, with a t-zone down your nose and forehead. Whatever your skin type, purchase products for that skin type.
- Cleanse your face thoroughly at least once per day with a gentle cleanser.
- Use a face mask once a week tailored to your skin type. There are peel-off, wash-off and exfoliating masks.
- Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Again, find one for your skin type but don't neglect this important step.
- Use sunscreen everyday. Some makeups and moisturizers have sunscreen in them so you can kill two birds with one stone. Don't forget the rest of your exposed skin!
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